Senior Recognition Luncheon Photos
2016- OSRA Senior Luncheon
Our Theme: "Memories of Family Life" - Home Remedies and Favorite Recipes
Featured Entertainment: Sing-a-long - Songs from
the past
Ken "Butch" Cook and band
“The art of tea, whichever way you drink it, or whichever country you are from, has one underlining thread for all of us. It is the cultivation of yourself as you follow the ceremony of preparing your tea, the way in which you make your tea, how and where you drink it, and with whom. Making a cup of tea creates a space for just being.”
― Nicola Salter
2015 - OSRA Senior Luncheon
Our Theme: "Education Theme: Back to School"
Featured Entertainment: Sing-a-long - Songs from
the past
Ken "Butch" Cook and band
School-Days – Poem by John Greenleaf Whittier
Still sits the schoolhouse by the road, A ragged beggar sleeping; Around it still the sumachs grow, And blackberry-vines are creeping.
Within, the master's desk is seen, Deep-scarred by raps official; The warping floor, the battered seats, The jack-knife's carved initial;
He lives to learn, in life's hard school, How few who pass above him Lament their triumph and his loss, Like her, because they love him.
A trip down memory lane.......
Our Theme: "Fall Theme" - lots of fall leaves, fall flowers and more.
Featured Entertainment: Sharing Poems and Singing Songs from the past.
Special Treat : Gourmet Cupcakes - Janice Johnson, Michelle Hernandez & Alexis Clark